Beretta Alfredo S.r.l.

Product/Services List

Class 1 - T15 Rigs, Class 1 - T19 Rigs, Class 15 - T157 Anchorings - Micropiles - Soil investigation, Class 2 - T21 Rigs, Class 2 - T22-S1 Rigs, Class 2 - T22-S2 Rigs, Class 2 - T22GEO Rigs, Class 2 - T25 Rigs, Class 2 - T26 Rigs, Class 3 - T30 - Pneumatic Drilling Rig, Class 4 - T41 - Soil Investigation - Micropiles - Anchorings, Class 4 - T43 - Internal Works - Micropiles - Anchorings - Soil Investigation, Class 5 - T51 - Soil Investigation - Micropiles - Anchorings, Class 5 - T53 - Internal Works - Micropiles - Anchorings - Soil Investigation, Class 5 - T55 Anchorings - Micropiles - Jet Grouting - Soil Investigations
Company Information
Beretta Alfredo S.r.l.
Office Information
Via Vignareto 10
Besana in Brianza
+39 0362 995380 +39 0362 995708
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