SOMOS Chile S.A.

Product/Services List

Actuadores Electroneumaticos, Bobinas, Capacitores, Capacitors, Centrifugal Pumps, Check Valves, Circuitos Integrados, Communication Line Cords, Componentes Electricos, Componentes Electromecanicos, Componentes Electronicos, Compressor Parts, Compressors, Conectores, Connectors, Contactores, Control Cables, Diodos IGBT, Directional Control Valves, Disconnect Switches, Flow Control Valves, Flow Meters, Flow Sensors, Fuentes de Poder, Fuses, Fusibles en BT y MT, Gearbox, Ground Fault Relays, Grounding Equipment, Guardamotores, Heat Shrink Tubing, Heat Sinks, Hook Up Wire, Indicating Lights, Instrumentos de Medición, Instruments, Interruptores Termomagnéticos, ISO-CMOS Devices, Jacks, Knobs, Lamps & Indicators, Lamps and Light Bulbs, Level Sensors, Lighting Systems, Limit Switches, Linear IC's, Liquid Level Controls, Mechanical Seals, Memory Products, Meters, Modulos PLC, Monitores y Controladores de Temperatura para Generadores, Monitores y Controladores de Temperatura para Motores, Monitores y Controladores de Temperatura para Transformadores, Monitors, Motores Eléctricos, Motores Lineales, Network Equipment, Non Return Valves, Partidores Suaves, Power Cables, Pressure Control Valves, Pressure Sensors, Proportional Valves, Pumps, Relés, Resistencias, Selenoids, Semiconductores, Sensores, Servo Valves, Termocuplas, Tiristores, Transformadores en BT y MT, Ventiladores

Company Information
SOMOS Chile S.A.
Office Information
Av Antonio Varas 175 Of. 401
+56 2 2356090 +56 2 235 6372
Juan Pablo Guzman
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