GeoMEM Limited

Product/Services List

CPT-pro: Cone Penetrometer Test data analysis., DEVICO Borehole Survey Instruments, Devico Peewee. Slimline EMS, DeviCore - Core orientation tool, DeviDip - EMS dip tool, DeviFlex (non-magnetic borehole survey tool), Didger - advanced digitising from Golden Software, Direct "on-line" support for supplied software including FLEXIT and REFLEX systems, Grapher (Golden Software): Advanced graphs, GTILT / GTILT Plus: Slope Inclinometer data analysis, LogPlot (Rockware), MAP-pro, MapViewer (Golden Software): Versatile mapping & geographical data analysis/display, RockWorks (Rockware), Strater (Golden Software) - Borehole logging, SUPPORT: Over the internet (computer to computer), SUPPORT: Software and Instruments, Surfer (Golden Software): Contouring & 3D Surface mapping, SurfLink 2, Technical software development, TRAINING: Devico survey instruments, TRAINING: Old "FlexIT" SmartTool, TRAINING: On selected software, Voxler (Golden Software) - 3D data visualisation, WinFence, WinPROF (TLC): Face profiling & Blast Design software, WinSieve
Company Information
GeoMEM Limited
Office Information
24 John Huband Drive
Birkhill, Dundee
Angus Scotland
United Kingdom
+44 1382 329 011 (International) +44 1382 230 256 (International)
UK 0845 6446 284
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