Grupo Rivya S.A. de C.V.

Product/Services List

Aloyco valvula Compuesta, Alta presion e inoxidable, API 6D Floating Ball Valves, API 6D Trunnion Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves - High Performance, Butterfly Valves - Resiliant Seated, Cat Steel Valves, Center Line Valvula tipo mariposa, Check, Check resistentes a la corrosion, Corrosion Resiliant Valves, Crane Valvulas de acero al carbon de Compuerta, Fire Protection Valves (UL/FM Approved), Globo, High Performance Check Valves, Highly Engineered Specialty Valves, Jenkins, Mariposa, NOZ- Check Compact - Noz, Pacific Valves, Triangle, Valve System Solutions, Valvula de acero forjado, Valvula de bronce tipo bola y mariposa, Valvula de bronce tipo compuerta, Valvula de monel y para alta presion, Valvula tipo mariposa de alto rendimiento con asiento de alto metal, Valvulas de Acero al Carbon

Company Information
Grupo Rivya S.A. de C.V.
Office Information
Huixtla num4 esq. Amatan, Residencial Cafetales
Distrito Federal
52 55 55949457 52 55 55949457
Ing. Hector Rivera
Gerente de Ventas
Ing. Javier Rivera
Gerente General
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